Kumar , Sena, D.R., Kurothe R.S., Pande V.C., Rao B.K., Vishwakarma A.K.V., Bagdi G.L. and Mishra P.K. 2014. Watershed impact evaluation using remote sensing. Current Science 106(10): 1369-1378.
Kurothe R.S., Kumar G., Singh R., Singh H.B., Tiwari S.P., Vishwakarma A.K., Sena D.R. and Pande V.C. 2014. Effect of tillage and cropping systems on runoff, soil loss and crop yields under semiarid rainfed agriculture in India. Soil and Tillage Research 140: 126-134.
Kumar G., Kurothe R.S., Brajendra, Vishwakarma A.K., Rao B.K., Pande V.C. 2014. Effect of farm yard manure and fertilizer application on crop yield, runoff, soil erosion and soil organic carbon under rainfed pearl millet. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84 (7): 816-822.
Adak T., Kumar G., Chakravarty N.V.K., Katiyar R.K., Deshmukh P.S. and Joshi H.C. 2013. Biomass and biomass water use efficiency in oilseed crop (Brassica juncea) under semi-arid microenvironments. Biomass and Bioenergy 51: 154-162
Kumar G., Chakravarty N.V.K., Kurothe R.S., Sena D.R., Tripathi K.P., Adak T. Haldar D. and Anuranjan 2010. Effect of projected climate change on mustard (Brassica juncea). Journal of Agrometeorology 12(2): 168-173.
Kumar G., Kurothe R.S., Sena D.R., Vishwakarma A.K., Madhu M., Rao B.K. Tripathi, K.P. and Anuranjan 2010. Sensitivity of wheat crop to the projected climate change in non-traditional areas. Journal of Agrometeorology 12(2): 161-167.
Pande V.C., Kurothe R.S., Sena D.R. and Kumar G. 2014. Cost of siltation in Sardar Sarovar reservoir: implications for catchment treatment. Current Science 106(1): 35-39.
Rao B.K., Mishra P.K., Kurothe R.S., Pande V.C. and Kumar G. 2014. Effectiveness of Dichanthium annulatum in watercourses for reducing sediment delivery from agricultural watersheds, CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water Accepted manuscript online: 7 OCT 2014 01:04AM EST. doi: 10.1002/clen.201400265
Rao B.K., Kurothe R.S., Mishra P.K., Kumar G. and Pande V.C. Climate change impact on design and costing of soil and water conservation structures in watersheds. Current Science (accepted-Oct 9, 2014)
Kumar G. and Chakravarty N.V.K. 2008. A simple weather based forewarning model for white rust in Brassica. Journal of Agrometerology 10(1): 75-80.
Kumar G., Sena D.R., Chakravarty N.V.K., Vishwakarma A.K., Anuranjan, Kurothe R.S., Adak T., Madhu M. and Haldar D. 2010. A simple empirical model for estimating actual evapotranspiration in Mustard crop. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 38 (3): 161-168.
Kumar G., Sena D.R., Tiwari K.N., Kurothe R.S. and Sharda V.N. 2010. Statistical assessment of soil-water Characteristic models, Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 42(1): 1-9.
Kurothe R.S., Vishwakarma A.K., Sena D.R., Kumar G., Rao B.K., Pande V.C. 2014. Decision support system for contour trenching. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 42(2): 143-153.
Kumar G., Chakravarty N.V.K., Adak T., Madhu M., Sena D.R., Vishwakarma A.K., Haldar D. and Anuranjan 2010. Radiation interception parameters in mustard and its modification due to debranching. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 38 (3): 205-211.
Rao B.K., Kumar G., Kurothe R.S., Pandey V., Mishra P.K., Vishwakarma A.K. and Barya M.J. 2012. Determination of crop coefficients and optimum irrigation schedule for bidi tobbaco and pearl millet crop in central Gujarat. Journal of Agrometeorology 14 (2):123-129
Adak T., Kumar G., Sharma PK., Srivastava A.K. and Chakravarty N.V.K. Seasonal changes in soil temperature within mustard crop stand. Journal of Agrometeorology 13(1): 72-74.
Adak T., Kumar G., Nirjay B. and Chakravarty N.V.K. 2012. Micrometeorological dynamics within mustard (Brassica Juncea) crop canopy under semi-arid conditions of northern India. Journal of Agrometeorology 14 (1): 45-49.
Kumar G., Haldar D., Sunder Sarma K.S., Adhikari P.P., Sahoo R.N., Brajendra, Sena D.R., Sehgal V.K. and Vishwakarma A.K. 2010. Hydro-mechanical properties of recently developed alkaline soils: A case study from Sultanpur village of Gurgaon district, Haryana. Environment and Ecology 29 (1A): 322-329.
Kumar G., Sahoo R.N., Tomar R.K., Bhavanarayana M., Gupta V.K., Rao C.S., Sehgal V.K. and Chakravarty D. 2010. Land use land cover change in active flood plain using satellite remote sensing. Journal of Agricultural Physics 8: 22-28.
Kumar G., Chakravarty N.V.K., Adak T., Vishwakarma A.K., Adhikary, P.P., Sena, D.R., Madhu M., Sahoo R.N. and Anuranjan 2010. Compensatory behavior of different variety of mustard (Brassica) for lower branch removal. Environment and Ecology 29 (1A) 339-346.
Adak T., Kumar G. and Chakravarty N.V.K. 2013. Agroclimatic models as a tool to predict biophysical variables and productivity in oilseed Brassica (Brassica juncea) under semiarid subtropical environment. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 41(2): 141-150.
Rao B.K., Gaur M.L., Kumar G., Kurothe R.S. and Tiwari S.P. 2013. Morphological characterization and alterations in cross section of different order streams of Mahi river in Gujarat. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 41(1) 20-24.
Adak T., Kumar G. and Chakravarty N.V.K. 2012. Assessment of radiation interception in a modified microenvironment and its relationship with biophysical parameters. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 40(1): 240-246.
Rao B.K., Kurothe R.S., Pande V.C. and Kumar G. 2011. Measurement of through fall and stemflow and their significance in bamboo (Dendrocalmus strictus) plantation in degraded ravine lands of India. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 40(1): 60-64.
Pande V.C., Kurothe R.S., Rao B.K., Kumar G., Parandiyal A.K., Singh A.K. and Ashok K. 2012. Economic analysis of bamboo plantation in three major ravine systems of Agricultural Economics Research Review 25(1): 49-59.
Pande V.C., Kurothe R.S., Singh H.B., Tiwari S.P., Kumar G., Vishwakarma A.K. and Bagdi G.L. 2013. Economic assessment of soil erosion damage on smallholder farms in marginal lands of Mahi ravines in Gujarat. Agricultural Economics Research Review 26(1): 63-71.
Bagdi G.L., Kurothe R.S., Rao B.K., Pande V.C. and Kumar G. 2013. Farmer’s perception towards adoption of bamboo in Mahi ravines. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 41(1): 83-87.
Chatra R., Singh H.B., Patel R.B., Singh H. and Kumar G. 2013. Effect of various nutrient sources on productivity and economics of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea). Ann. Agric. Res. New Series 34(2): 176-178.
Haldar D., Sehgal V.K., Kumar G. and Sundersarma K.S.S. 2011. Evaluation of ground water and land resources in relation to landforms in Alwar district (Rajasthan): A remote sensing based approach. Environ. Sci. 5: 37-45
Haldar D., Sehgal V.K., Kumar G. and Sundersarma K.S.S. 2011. Characterization of Landform of Alwar district of Rajasthan (India) by deriving and using terrain parameters from DEM. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics 11(1): 1-11.